Setup and Data Migration | ProPet Software Inc.

Setup and data migration

switching to Propet made easy

Forget manually inputting all of your data, ProPet can easily transfer it for you.

Switching to a new software can seem like a daunting experience, but ProPet has you covered! No need to worry about all of your data or even the set up! Our customer success specialists will help you transfer all your important information and set up your account so you can start using ProPet right away with no hassle or confusion. 



  • Custom pricing setup, including; rates, discounts and premiums, bulk packages, taxes, customer chrages, etc. 
  • Setup of other needs specific to your pet business; e.g. colour codes, vaccinations, facility capacity, customer/pet/booking forms, etc. 
  • Data migration includes the transfer of customer information (name, address, phone number, etc.), pet information (name, breed, weight, etc.), vet information, and additional contact information

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